Object (e.g Pedestrian, vehicles) tracking by Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), with fused data from both lidar and radar sensors.
View the Project on GitHub basavarajnavalgund/tracking-with-Extended-Kalman-Filter
Utilize sensor data from both LIDAR and RADAR measurements for object (e.g. pedestrian, vehicles, or other moving objects) tracking with the Extended Kalman Filter.
CMakeLists.txt is the cmake file.
data folder contains test lidar and radar measurements.
Docs folder contains docments which describe the data.
src folder contains the source code.
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make
cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" && make
./ExtendedKF ../data/obj_pose-laser-radar-synthetic-input.txt ./output.txt
./ExtendedKF ../data/sample-laser-radar-measurement-data-1.txt ./output.txt
The LIDAR will produce 3D measurement px,py,pz. But for the case of driving on the road, we could simplify the pose of the tracked object as: px,py,and one rotation. In other words, we could only use px and px to indicate the position of the object, and one rotation to indicate the orientation of the object. But in real world where you have very steep road, you have to consider z axis as well. Also in application like airplane and drone, you definitely want to consider pz as well.
Sensor type | LIDAR | RADAR | Camera |
Resolution | median | low | high |
Direct velocity measure | no | yes | no |
All-weather | bad | good | bad |
Sensor size | large | small | small |
sense non-line of sight object | no | yes | no |
One comparison Figure from another aspect.
All Kalman filters have the same three steps:
A standard Kalman filter can only handle linear equations. Both the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and the Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF will be disuccsed in the next project) allow you to use non-linear equations; the difference between EKF and UKF is how they handle non-linear equations: Extended Kalman Filter uses the Jacobian matrix to linearize non-linear functions; Unscented Kalman Filter, on the other hand, does not need to linearize non-linear functions, insteadly, the unscented Kalman filter takes representative points from a Gaussian distribution.